Magpie Inspiration 85

And so, young ones beware!

For, this is what happens when a sphinx
learns not its lessons!

“Rise FROM your ashes.”

“Rise FORM your ashes.”

Read page eleven, that’s where it’s written!

Emanita01 says: Light-hearted fun from the Magpie Tales prompt 😀

About emanita01

I am a Franco-american woman who hails from Massachusetts. I live in France near the Swiss border, only minutes away from Geneva. I am a Social Entrepreneur in the making, a Gospel singer, Actrice, Stand-up Comic & member of an Improvisational Theater troupe. I am also gravitating towards writing a book or two, a couple of plays and a one-woman show.
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26 Responses to Magpie Inspiration 85

  1. tess kincaid says:

    What a difference a simple typo can make…giggle…

  2. Jo Bryant says:

    Oh you’re good – clever, very clever…hehehehehehehe

  3. Leonargo says:

    I was like what? sphinx? Then the image finally loaded!

    I would like

    “Rise form your ashes”

    then maybe….

    form something… but then youre forming something anyway … so you are right!

  4. Doctor FTSE says:

    “From” and “form” I follow. Please . . point me to page eleven.

    • emanita01 says:

      Hey, Doctor FTSE, I REALLY caught your attention with this one…LOL.
      The narrator’s voice is that of the young sphinxes’ professor.
      It’s to them that the page eleven indication is given 😉

  5. brian says:

    ha. fun play on this…oh poor sphinx…

  6. thingy says:

    Ha! I love this. What an original take.

  7. David King says:

    Deep, a little dark, perhaps – and damnably clever.

  8. caty says:

    poor sphinx…but it gave me a laugh 🙂

  9. Now that was clever……..succinct and clever!

  10. Trellissimo says:

    Typos test the senses! LOL

  11. Isabel Doyle says:

    yup, pay attention!

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